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Pentecost Coffee Hour/Summer Adult Bible Study

Saron Lutheran Church

You're invited to coffee and goodies and a time of fellowship after worship on Pentecost Sunday, June 5. Enjoy some treats and catch up on what's happening with our Saron members and friends.

Also on Pentecost at this gathering, Pastor Jeanne will introduce the topic for a monthly adult Bible study this summer which will meet on Sundays, June 19, July 17, and August 21, 9:45–10:45 a.m. As we look forward to next steps in calling a pastor, Pastor Jeanne will help us explore "What is Church?" Mark your calendars for these dates:

  • June 5: Introduction to the class. Each person is asked to consider two questions. The first is "What is a good memory you have of church?" The second is "What is a bad or not-so-good memory you have of church?" We will look at our Jewish roots of church/worship/gathering.

  • June 19: The early church in the book of Acts.

  • July 17: Church leaders in the book of Acts and in the early church. A look at the Didache—earliest Christian book of worship instruction.

  • August 21: Now where do we go from here?


© 2023 Saron Lutheran Church

To know Christ's love  |  To grow in Christ's love  |  To go in Christ's love

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