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  • Saron Lutheran Church

Schedule changes to help keep our community safe from coronavirus

Below are a few lines from a letter from Jim Gonia, Bishop of the Rocky Mountain Synod:

Having prayerfully considered our current situation with respect to COVID-19 and in light of the

quickly evolving nature of this pandemic, I am recommending that all ELCA congregations in the Rocky Mountain Synod, regardless of location or number of congregants, suspend public worship gatherings, events and meetings beginning immediately until at least April 1, possibly longer.

Saron Lutheran Church has made the decision to cancel worship services, Sunday, March 15 and Wednesday, March 18.

Pastor Julie is exploring ways for Saron members and friends to be Church together around God's word while honoring the need for community distancing.

Decisions about future cancellations will be made on a weekly basis. Watch this News/Blog page for ways to stay connected and for scheduling updates, and please follow the Center for Disease Control's advice on how to keep yourself, your family, and your community healthy.

God, our refuge and strength, our present help in time of trouble, care for those who tend the needs of the sick. Strengthen them in body and spirit. Refresh them when weary; console them when anxious; comfort them in grief; and hearten them in discouragement. Be with us all, and give us peace at all times and in every way; through Christ our peace. Amen.

Evangelical Lutheran Worship, page 85


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