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Saron Lutheran Church

Outdoor worship continues into October!

Saron will continue to offer in-person outdoor worship in October (weather permitting) as well as on Facebook Live—both at 8:30 a.m. Again, determine your own comfort level with the risk of gathering in public, and we'll do what we can to keep one another well:

  • We WILL have communion with individual units you will pick up. 

  • Bring your own chair and find a shady spot on the lawn at least 6 feet from people not in your household. Church chairs are also available.

  • We will worship outside. The bathrooms will be aired out and available if needed.

  • Wear a mask. Extras will be available. Leaders will remove them with distance.

  • Use hand sanitizer. It will be provided.

  • Refrain from hand-shaking or hugging. Even if no one’s looking, it’s risky.

  • Check yourself for any flu or cold-like symptoms. Watch from home if you are quarantined.

  • Limit lingering. (Just be "smart.")

  • An offering plate will be on a separate stand for church and noisy offerings. (Food Bank)

Remember also to convert your "noisy offering" to a check/cash or put on so we can make those funds available for the needs of our community through Cares Food Bank. 


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