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Saron Lutheran Church

Praying during the season of Epiphany

As we move through the seven weeks of the Epiphany season which begins with the wise men and star over Bethlehem and expands to all kinds of divine light and revelation, we will be seeing how this light is revealed and made known. While we might connect with God in many ways- through listening and observation and sharing and asking- we’ll look at who and what we usually pray for in church. In what ways can we expand and deepen these prayers? How might the presence and working of God in the world be revealed and invited into our lives and communities in new ways? 

We will have a basket in worship for the specific categories, places and names that particularly need prayer as well as those that we take for granted and haven’t prayed for in a while. Each week, we’ll take three and lift them up to the healing light of God’s presence. (Urgent issues will be included right away. We also have a prayer team that can be activated via email for specific and immediate requests by emailing, texting or talking to Pr. Julie.) The mystery of God-among-us isn’t so much a secret that you need to figure out as it is something waiting to be revealed. So, as we hear in Isaiah 60, “Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.”


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