Sunday, March 28 9–11 a.m. Drop-by 1 p.m. Prayer with Bishop Gonia via Zoom
We traditionally gather on Palm Sunday as a way to enter into Holy Week with communal connection and deep meaning—praying for those who are most vulnerable in our communities.
This year, we invite you to drop-by (masked) between 9–11 a.m. for a self-guided tour of the neighborhood with your household. You will be warmly greeted outside of the USC Ogden St. house (1660 Ogden Street, Denver, CO 80218) and offered a prayer booklet, and walking route. You also have the opportunity to register for QUICHE and COFFEE CAKE, safely prepared by USC staff and volunteers, to take home for your Palm Sunday Brunch!
Also, join us in a Prayer Service at 1 p.m. with Bishop Gonia via Zoom at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83482567987?pwd=dWFLRm5CZW13UUpsckZIYlJ6clFVZz09
May this time be an act of faithful support for the justice that we seek in our neighborhoods!